Biography (1898- 1986)

1898Born in Geneva May 12 - his father dies 2 monthes later at 70 years old
1904death of his mother at the age of 42 - Paul moves to an uncle's house (Ormond)
1905school in Geneva
1914encounter with teacher Jules Dubois
1917-1923medical studies in Geneva
1920-1921swiss president of student movement "Zofingia"
1920-1921Red Cross delegate for rapatriation of prisoners of war in Vienna
1923final medical examinations in Geneva
1924marriage with Nelly Bouvier
1923-1924Assistant medical doctor at the Medical Policlinic in Geneva (Prof. Bickel)
1925opens a private medical practice in Geneva and birth of his first son Jean-Louis (†2002)
1928birth of his second son Gabriel
1932encounter with Oxford Group
1937transformation of his private medical practice into counselling practice
1938-1939writing his first book "Médecine de la Personne"
1940publication in French (later in English: "The Healing of Persons")
1939-1945military service in Switzerland alternating with his medical practice
1946separation from Oxford Movement (Moral Rearmement)
1946encounter with Viktor V. Weizsäcker at a medical Congress in Bad Boll, Germany
1947first meeting of the international study group "Médecine de La Personne" in Bossey, meeting every year from then on
1950first lecture tour in Athens and in Crete, Greece
1950-since this time, writing a new book every 1 - 5 years (totaling over 20)
1961-1965speaking tour in the USA
1963speaker at ICCP in Amsterdam, NL
1966lung emboly
1967moving to his own house "The wheat corn" in Troinex, Geneva
1968lecture tour in Japan and Iran
1974his wife Nelly dies in Athens
1978speaker at ICCP / ICCMS in Davos, Switzerland
1979lecture tour in South African Countries
1982reconciliation with Caux (Moral Rearmement now becomes Initiative of Change)
1983-1986yearly cruises in the Mediterranean giving short lectures
1984wedding with Corinne O'Rama in Geneva
1984-1985lecture tours in the USA
1986last participation as speaker in a conference in Strasbourg
1986died October 7 in Troinex, Switzerland

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